Log Entry - Wednesday, Nov 9 Sailboat | Track | Log Index
Departure Delayed Two Days
We had a great send off dinner Monday night at Davis’ Pub, the local sailors dive two blocks from our house. Karen supplied the crew and wives with "Full Circle" hats. Like sailors of old, we drank our share of grog in anticipation of long lonely days at sea. Unfortunately, our next day departure did not happen. We had planned to leave at 2 pm on Tuesday the 8th, but the professional marine weather service we hired (Commander's Weather), advised us to delay our departure by two days. Heavy winds and seas were predicted in the Gulf Stream, a notoriously dangerous place. Much to everyone’s regret, and only three hours before we had planned on leaving, we decided to delay our departure from Annapolis until Thursday morning, 11/10/05, at 0900. It will take us approximately 24 hours to get to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay near Norfolk, Virginia.