Log Entry - Tuesday, Nov 15

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Day 5 - A Day of Setbacks

ChangingFilters.jpg - 50481 Bytes After learning of Mike’s condition and deciding to divert to Bermuda, we switched our fuel tanks. All went well for an hour or so, and then the engine died. We suspected either air in the fuel lines or a clogged primary fuel filter. We first bled air from the fuel system, and the engine worked fine for 30 minutes, then the engine died again. In the meantime, we determined that we could only make 3-4 knots of headway through easterly winds, which were now building to 12-18 knots with 4-6 foot swells. Even with our second tank, we do not have enough fuel to motor to Bermuda, and now the winds are dead against us.

We proceeded to sail as best we could in a northeast direction while we worked on the engine. Since it was getting dark, we decided to change the fuel filter and wait until morning to test things. In the midst of this, our autopilot stopped working, so now we have the difficult task of steering the boat in heavier seas.

Yes, this is an adventure out here in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The current status of engine is unknown. As I write this at 1130 pm Monday night, we are sailing in a north easterly direction, Hugh is at the helm; everyone else is sleeping. We are conserving electricity in the event that we cannot run the engine to recharge our batteries until we get to Bermuda.

In spite of our set backs, ours spirits are high as we tackle one problem at a time. The moon is nearly full, and it is beautiful night to be sailing, even if we are not going in the exact direction we would like.

As of 0900 Tuesday morning, we are able to run the engine at 1800 rpm. This allows us to make only 2 knots toward our desired course, but at least we are able to at least charge our batteries and cool the fridge. We are 248 miles from Bermuda. At a velocity made good of 2 knots, it will take us 5 days to get to Bermuda.

Mike, our injured crew member voted for changing course and sailing to Tortola. As a group, we decided that, due to our engine and autohelm problems, we would continue on to Bermuda.

Today’s photo features me and Hugh changing the fuel filter. I stink of diesel fuel. Previous | Next