Supplemental Log Entry - Monday, Nov 14 Sailboat | Track | Log Index
We believe that Mike has two broken ribs. Thursday night when the weather was rough going down the Bay, Mike took a tumble and landed full force on his side in the cockpit. He knew had bruised his ribs badly, but when the pain did not go away, we began consulting our medical books, and the only conclusion we could come to was that he broke some ribs. That in itself is not so critical. Our concern is that further on, the seas are sure to get rougher and another fall on the same bad ribs would be painful at best and dangerous at worse. We debated returning to Virginia, but, as a group decided that diverting to Bermuda was the best option. It complicates all our lives, but seems the best alternative.
Another twist of fate is that we now have 15 knots of beautiful wind on the nose. It would be a beautiful sunny sail for our BVI track but is forcing us to motor on our track to Bermuda.
I have included a photo of Mike on the day after his fall. He is hiding his pain well.