Log Entry - Oct 15, 2005 Sailboat | Track | Log Index
Boat Upgrades
We have less than a month to go and the stress level is increasing. Our goal is to depart no later than Nov 10. We plan to sail non-stop once we leave Annapolis. The electrical, communications, sail configuration, rigging, and interior storage configurations have all been upgraded. Special effort needs to be put into learning how to use the SSB radio and sat phone for accessing weather information and tranmitting our position back home. The boat still needs to be pulled so the hull can be powe rwashed and inspected. We have had several sail training days including an overnight sail. The crew could use more boat familiarization, but it may not happen.This photo illustrates the sleeping bunks I built for when we are rocking and rolling at sea. The lee clothes prevent us from falling out of bed as the boat heels.