Log Entry - Tuesday, Jan 17, 2006 Sailboat | Crew | Log | Route | Track
A Day of Sight Seeing
This is what the water looks like after the barometric pressure reaches 1030 and is steady. How about that for a mirrored surface? These are the two buoys to which Full Circle is attached. Check out those barnacles. I wonder how long it for the bottom of Full Circle to look like that? This is control station for Bermuda Harbor Radio located on St. George Hill. This is the view from the other side of St. George looking over the town and the harbor toward St. George Hill where Bermuda Harbor radio is located. You can see it in the upper right hand corner. That little island in the center of the photo is Ordnance Island where customs and immigration is located. This is the Unfinished Church - a spectacular and ghostly edifice. It was begin 1874 but never finished due to a myriad of problems. It Provides an ideal place to sit and reflect on how one ends up spending a week alone in Bermuda. This photo is taken atop St. George Hill where Bermuda Harbor Radio is located. It overlooks the harbor toward The Town Cut, the first opening you see to the ocean. This is the way boats enter and leave St. George Harbor. You can see ordnance Island as well. Notice the two men in the forground resurfacing the roof, or they may just be re-painting it white. This is an historical embankment guarding the Town Cut Entrance to St. Georgr Harbor. A navigation buoy is visible through one of the openings.