Log Entry - Thursday, Jan 12, 2006 Sailboat | Crew | Log | Route | Track
Finding a Routine
My crew was supposed to be arriving today, but due to the impending bad weather, everything is pushed back one week. With the pressure off, I focused on cleaning the interior of the boat. I suppose it is not too different from what I would have done anyway. I could see the beginnings of mildew in several spots. Other boaters have told me that mildew is the curse of an unused boat. It was a nice morning but by the afternoon, it had started to rain. Too bad for me. I needed to go back into St. Georges and pick up the propane tank that I had dropped off yesterday. You can’t just get your tank refilled. It must be dropped off and picked up the next day. That’s island time. Everything takes more time on island time. It forces one to slow down, which is not so easy for me. Maybe this will be a good transition for me to ease into the island lifestyle. It will certainly be interesting living on this boat for a week alone. Both water tanks are full; I checked them this morning, so I am sure I will be OK there. The fridge is a minor issue since it takes so much electricity to run, which means I have to run the engine to charge the batteries. It takes at least three to four hours a day of charging to keep up with the fridge, which is just too much for only me. I need to find food which does not have to be refrigerated. I did buy a small cooler and will try using ice to keep a few things cold like milk and yogurt.
I am pretty much confined to the boat when it is raining since ridding a scooter in the rain at 65 degrees is no fun. Since I only have one pair of jeans, I did not want to get them wet, so I wore shorts when I was out this afternoon. The rain drops felt like pin pricks hitting my skin, and I had goose bumps the size of blue berries. Of course hearing aids and rain don’t mix very well either. On the way back from picking up the propane tank, I stopped at the grocery store and bought food, a small ice chest, and a ten pound bag of ice. You should have seen the scooter. It looked like one of those bicycles in Beijing hauling the family furniture. If it wasn’t so wet, I would have taken a photo. Isn’t it funny how the best photo opportunities come at the most inopportune time? It is a bit humbling to live without the creature comforts we are used to.
Nothing is cheap here. A 2.5 gallon container of bottled water is $6.75.
Today’s photo shows me having a perfectly terrible meal of Lipton pasta alfredo. My meals need help.