Log Entry - Sunday, Nov 13

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Day 3 - Gulf Stream is a Non-Event

JohnPosting.jpg - 34147 Bytes I guess the weather forecasters were correct. The high pressure systems pushed all the bad weather out of our path as we passed through the Gulf Stream. It was too nice, with temperatures in the high 70’s and no wind. We motored through it at 4-5 knots; our normal motoring speed is 6—6.5, meaning that the current slowed us down by 2-2.5 knots. Thank goodness we have lots of fuel, but now with no wind we are beginning to pay attention to fuel consumption. One of the main reasons I bought a Caliber 40 LRC was because of its fuel capacity. It has two independent tanks holding a total of about 200 gallons of diesel. At a usage rate of about one gallon per hour, this gives us about the same number of motoring hours and a cruising distance of about 1000 miles. The total straight line distance is 1450 nm.

Everyone used the time to catch up on personal chores; some of us even took showers. The watches are arranged so that everyone gets eight hours off every other four-hour watch. This makes for a very pleasant and restful schedule.

The photo for the day is of me updating our message board. Our message board contains the watch schedule, the daily sitreps, messages from El Supremo, and cleaning assignments. Three cleaning areas are assigned each day: the salon and galley, the heads (two of them), and the cockpit. Everyone says the boat is cleaner than when they boarded; I can’t disagree.

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