
Turks and Caicos - The Caicos Bank
And Providenciales (Provo)
May 13-14, 2006

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Caicos Bank, the largest swimming pool in the world

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Dolphin leads way in Caicos Bank
Ten feet of the clearest water ever
Better than a aquatic park

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She breaks water just in front of the bow
Putting on a private show
For the crew of Full Circle

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The largest swimming pool in the world
Fifty miles in diameter
Six to twelve feet deep

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Dinghy on the beach in Sapodilla Bay, Provo

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Low tide, loading dinghy with provisions

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We didn't want to follow to close
Sorry to tranish the beauty above with this
But it is reality on land

What do the Great Wall of China and the Caicos Bank have in common? They are both clearly visible from outter space. The Caicos Banks is a wonder of nature; fifty miles in diameter and no more than twelved feet deep, it radiats the turquoise blue coveted by swimming pool owners. It is breathtaking in its beauty and expansive size. The ocen floor rises from five thousand feet to ten feet in less than a quarter of a mile. It is a nearly vertical wall one mile high. The platteau of water is a fragile boundary between earth and ski, hidden in the far reaches of the Atlantic Ocean, where few humans are able to pass.

We motored over the bank as if sliding over a sheet of ice except it was blistering hot. The sun reflected in all directions cooking the deck top.

We entered the Caicos Bank from South Caicos and worked our way across the Bank to Provindenciales, known as Prove. Provo is a boom town (island) in the ocean. Interior lots sell for a quarter of a million. Ocean front costs in the millions. Seems everyhone wants a piece of the swimming pool. The roads range from US highway quality to deeply rutted dirt roads that are a challenge for a Range Rover.

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