Ocean Prediction Center
North Atlantic Products

Sailboat | Crew | Route | Track | Log | Photos | Weather

UTC Time Right Now

High Seas Weather Charts via web and ftp
ftp email request are made as follows:
open | cd fax | get PYAA02.TIF | get ... | quit
Send email with any subject to: ftpmail@weather.noaa.gov
Proper capitalization is essential
HTML Directory | HTML FAX Directory | FTP fax (graphic) Directory | FTP data (text) Directory
Report Type Analysis Forecast
MC = Most Current Now 48 Hour 96 Hour
Surface E Atlantic
Surface W Atlantic
Surface E Atlantic
Surface W Atlantic
Surface W Atlantic
PYAA01 (00Z) tiff | gif
PYAA02 (12Z) tiff | gif
PYAA05 (00Z) tiff | gif
PYAA06 (12Z) tiff | gif
PYAA12 (MC via ftp)
QDTM85 (00Z) tiff | gif
QDTM86 (12Z) tiff | gif
QDTM10 (MC via ftp)
PWAM99 (12Z) tiff | gif
500 mb PPAA50 (00Z) tiff | gif
PPAA51 (12Z) tiff | gif
PPAA10 (MC via ftp)
PPAI50 (00Z) tiff | gif
PPAI51 (12Z) tiff | gif
PPAI10 (MC via ftp)
PPAM50 (12Z) tiff | gif
Sea State/Wind Wave
15N-65N, 10E-95W
PJAA99 (12Z) tiff | gif PJAI98 (00Z) tiff | gif
PJAI99 (12Z) tiff | gif
PJAI10 (MC via ftp) | gif
PJAM98 (12Z) tiff | gif
Sea State/Wind Wave
15N-65N, 45W-85W
Most Current (MC)
PWAA88 (00Z via ftp)
PWAA89 (12Z via ftp)
PWAA90 (MC via ftp)
Wave Period   PJAI88 (00Z) tiff | gif
PJAI89 (12Z) tiff | gif
PJAI20 (MC via ftp)
PJAM88 (12Z) tiff | gif

GOES IR Satellite Images (jpg)
Region Valid Times
12S-44N, 28W-112W
Approx 300K
evst06.jpg (06Z)
evst12.jpg (12Z)
evst18.jpg (18Z)
evst00.jpg (00Z)
evst99.jpg (MC)
North Atlantic
EQ-60N, 40W-130W
Approx 300K
evnt06.jpg (06Z)
evnt12.jpg (12Z)
evnt18.jpg (18Z)
evnt00.jpg (00Z)
evnt99.jpg (MC)

Text Products
Web Link FTP Email Command
High Seas Forecast
open | cd data | cd forecasts | cd marine | cd high_seas | get north_atlantic.txt | quit
Offshore Marine Forecast - New England
open iwin.nws.noaa.gov | cd data | cd text | cd FZNT21 | get KWBC.TXT
Offshore Marine Forecast - Mid-Atlantic
open iwin.nws.noaa.gov | cd data | cd text | cd FZNT22 | get KWBC.TXT
Tropical Weather Outlook
open | cd data | cd hurricane_products | cd atlantic | cd weather | get outlook.txt | quit
Chesapeake Bay NAVTEX
open | cd data | cd forecasts | cd marine | cd offshore | get fznt24.kwnm.off.no2.txt

Other Products
Web Link Description
Gulf Stream Latest image from the Navy NLMOC
Hurricane formation Tropical Prediction Center (TPC) hurricane formation between Africa and Caribbean.
open | cd fax | get QPAA99.TIF