Our Sixth Country
St. Christopher (St. Kitts), Feb 21-23, 2006

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St. Kitts: The first British port in the Caribbean

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Approaching the lush island of St. Kitts
Its high volcanic cone supports a rain forest
Home to thousands of S. African Vervet monkeys

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The fort on Brimstone Hill
The best preserved fort in the Caribbean

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Famous for Batik
A special way of dying and coloring fabric

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Finally, a hair cut after two months
Only 2% of the population is white

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Lunch at the gorgeous Rawlins Inn
Statia is in he background

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Customs and Immigration yet again
Our pastport is looking very official by now

The wind was gusting to 30 knots as we made the short 15 mile sail from Statia to St. Kitts. With two reefs and sailing close hauled, we had a short but exciting sail to St. Kitts. St Kitts does not have a well protected harbor, but it does have a new marina, so in we went. Getting into the slip was a challenge with 20 knot winds on the beam. Takeoffs and landings, they are always the toughest, and the most dangerous. Once settled in a marina, it is always nice to be able to walk ashore to visit shops and restaurants. As usual, we spent our first afternoon tending to house keeping chores. On our second day, we rented a car and had a very pleasant day visiting the island.

St. Kitts, with Nevis, is its own independent country. They gained their independence from England in 1983. Originally, Anguilla was part of their triumvirate, but Anguilla wanted no part of independence and chose to stay part of the Commonwealth. St. Kitts was the first British Colony in the Caribbean and has a particularly rich history. Only 2% of the population is white and that is primarily located in the southern tip of the island where all the resorts are located. The prettiest part is in the north where the rain forests are located.

My hand still has two fingers that are struggling to heal. One is taking long because a large portion of skin was ripped off. The other is taking a long time because it was a deep cut and keeps breaking open. It should have had some stitches. I need to learn how to do stitches; how hard can that be? I can't be rushing off to a doctor every time I get cut. I must be independent, self-sufficient; I am a voyageur.

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