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Cherbourg France
Our first stop after crossing the English Channel
Of course it was an adventure crossing the English Channel, but the most amazing thing was the enormous tidal range. We sailed from Hamble, England, through the Solent, around the Isle of Wight, and over to Cherbourg, France. The crossing took 12 hours and was uneventful. In fact, the wind was so calm that we had to motor all the way over. We arrived in Cherbourg around midnight. This photo was taken the next day, Sunday the 19th of August, at low tide. The docks are floating and roll up and down these large pillars as the tide rises and falls. The dark part of the pillars is the part that is underwater during high tide. The ramp that the man is walking up is horizontal during high tide. This cycle occurs twice daily. Without floating docks everthing gets much more complicated!
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