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Nellie Maybel Jean

1873 - 1947

Mabel Lived in Tomahawk, WI when she met Ernest Wentworth, who was there staying with his sister Elsie Beabeau. Mabel was previously married to Sherman Hall who died early in their marriage (Dec 15, 1894) from thyphoid fever. Mabel and Sherm had three children Hazel, Jean, and Sherman. Hazel Ellen, born Nov 4, 1892, had two children. Jean Carlysle died at age six (Feb 2, 1894 - Sep 23, 1900) and Sherman Meridith died at six months (Apr 18, 1895 - Oct 17, 1895). Note that Sherman, her husband, died just ten months after Jean was born and four months before his son was born. Mabel named her son after his father, but he did not live to carry on the family name. It is likely that he died of thyphoid like his father.

The name "Hall" became confusing when tracing the names in the bible, because Ernest's father Edwin was married to a woman named Hall. As far as we know there is no connection between the two Hall families.

After Sherm died, she attended the School of Pedagogy in Menominie, Wisconsin and taught school for a number of years. Notice that the signature on the certificate is dated Apr 1, 1892 and signed Mabel Jean Hall. Mabel was clearly married to Sherman Hall at the time.

Diploma | Certificate | Funeral | Bible Page

Information taken from interviews with nieces of Maybel in 1972 and family bible.
The bible would have belonged to Mabel before she married Ernest.